D48-950 performs successful bore through tough conditions in Fort McMurray, Alberta

Total Trenchless of Calgary, AB completed a difficult bore using an MBM D48-950 to install a 30″ drainage culvert under Highway 63 in Fort McMurray, AB. From Brett Stephens, Owner, “We put our new Micahel Byrne Mfg. D48-950 to work this past week! What a powerhouse of a machine! It wasn’t your typical bore pit, the launch pad was built up to install a 30” drainage culvert high on a slope. The Komatsu dozer isn’t your ordinary push block but it served the purpose! The MBM boring machine performed for us in the tough, boney ground under Highway 63, Fort McMurray Alberta. These rigs are built tough!”

Thanks to the Total Trenchless crew for Making Boring Great!

MBM D48-950

2019 ICUEE Show – A Great Success

Michael Byrne Mfg. exhibited at the 2019 ICUEE show in Louisville, KY Oct. 1st – 3rd. The turnout was excellent and the days were HOT as the temperature exceeded 95 degrees each day of the show.  Thanks to all attendees who beat the heat at the show.  Making Boring Great Again was the theme for the week as Trenchless projects continue to expand in applications and technology.  Michael Byrne Mfg. showcased a D48-950 machine at the Akkerman outdoor display (Booth K105) with the 240 Akkerman Guided Bore Machine. The combination of the Akkerman GBM, the Michael Byrne D48-950 and swivel cutting head provide the contractor with an extremely accurate method to install pipe under all types of trenchless applications.  MBM also had a booth inside the hall for attendees that were looking to cool down. 

ICUEE 2019 included over 1,000 exhibitors showcasing the latest products and solutions for the utility construction industry. Exhibitors covered a record 1.34 million sq. ft. or more than 30 acres. Exhibits included the show’s signature hands-on equipment test drives and interactive product demonstrations.  The ICUEE show set attendance records with over 19,000 people from the US, Canada and 65 countries from around the world.  For more information see the article in Construction equipment Guide: https://www.constructionequipmentguide.com/icuee-2019-shatters-attendance-records-with-more/46300 .  

MBM D48-950 & Akkerman GBM240
MBM 48″ Swivel Cutting Head

ASCE Report Card for Infrastructure

The American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE) will be grading the nations stormwater for the first time in 2021! The Trenchless Technology magazine article notes that the 2017 grading of the United States infrastructure was a D+, while this sounds terrible it was improvement from the previous grading period.  We need our legislature to come together and do what is best for our Country and quit backbiting each other. Using a simple A to F school report card format, ASCE’s Infrastructure Report Card provides a comprehensive assessment of current infrastructure conditions and needs and assigning grades and making recommendations to raise them. The ASCE Committee on America’s Infrastructure, made up of expert civil engineers from across the country, assigns grades using the following criteria: capacity, condition, funding, future need, operation and maintenance, public safety, resilience and innovation. Additional information regarding the Infrastructure Report Card and state report card program may be found on infrastructurereportcard.org.